Monday, October 20, 2008

"Sing us a song, you're the pianoman"

I've done it! I have joined the mad, mad world of bloggers. My sister started one in order for family and friends to keep up with the goings on for her and her family. I thought to myself, "that is a good idea". It is fun to read about her cute kids. I don't have any cute kids to blog about, but I'm practically a kid, so I will do my best to be entertaining.

These last few weeks I have been attempting to refinish my piano. "What?" You might be thinking. Well.... I am thinking the same thing now that I have pieces of it strewn from one corner of the garage to the other. Most people start out with small projects when they decide to refinish something, but since when have I ever been known to think small. As my mother would say, "You've got to think big!" So, I have completely stripped down my piano to the bare bones. The keys are sitting in a bucket waiting a new face and the rest is in pieces waiting for some abrasive treatment from your handy sandpaper man
. My only hope is that I will remember how to put it back together. Oy! There sure are a lot of pieces inside a piano. I am not so worried about remembering where the pieces go, but I have an awful lot of screws. All different sizes. That will be the test of my genius. I discovered there are not little men running around inside the piano striking strings with mallets whenever you press a key as my childhood mind supposed. Just lots of metal pegs, padded wood and wire.
It is fascinating invention.
All the stringed instruments are the genius of a beautiful mind. The piano we are most familiar with, was originally invented by Bartolomeo Christifori, http://en.wikipedia.orgwiki/Piano#Early_history. One of my favorite piano pieces, Christofori's Dream, was composed by David Lantz with this invention in mind. The string family are my favorite instruments. They create harmony and sound that strike the inner workings of my very soul.

Okay enough of that mush and syrup. I just wanted to show how grotesque the inside of my piano looks. I found 63 cents, 10 bobby pins, 5 straight pins, an orange ball and more dust and griminess than I care to expose. I think some kids poored juice and mac & cheese in there just to see what it would do.

I'll keep you "posted" (ah ha ha) on the happenings on the piano front. Until then... TTFN.


Brooke said...

Yay! Welcome to the e-World!

Marilyn said...

It is about time you replaced the keys on your piano. It has been almost a year since we bought you the kit. Good luck with the project!