Monday, November 24, 2008

Why Turkey?

I heard on the radio today that the turkey was once considered for the national symbol for America. No offense Ben Franklin, but I am sure glad they chose the bald eagle.

With the feast of good things upon us I have spent some time reflecting on the last year and the good things I am thankful for and some of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions.
  • Family
  • Forgiveness
  • Friendship
  • Life
  • The Thanksgiving Day Parade
  • Love
  • Stuffing
  • Mercy
  • Cutting down Christmas Trees
  • Going through the Pre Service Teacher Training course
  • Nacho Mama
  • Christmas music
  • My Mother's strength
  • Prayer
  • Hope
  • Kindness
  • Gingerbread Houses
As I have reflected over the past year I have come to realize that mine is a life of great blessing. This year has brought many uncharted territory for me and I have moved forward with faith, praying I was making the right choices. Some of those choices brought difficulties and growth, challenges and happiness. It truly has been a time of great joy and some of my deepest of sorrow. I have lost loved ones and close friends have lost loved ones, I chased some dreams and lost some dreams, but in it all I have been blessed to see the hand of the Lord in my life. I have not been left comfortless. In reading President Uchtdorf's talk The Infinite Power of Hope again yesterday I found reassurance that,

"The things we hope in sustain us during our daily walk. They uphold us through trials, temptations, and sorrow. Everyone has experienced discouragement and difficulty. Indeed, there are times when the darkness may seem unbearable. It is in these times that the divine principles of the restored gospel we hope in can uphold us and carry us until, once again, we walk in the light...

We learn to cultivate hope the same way we learn to walk, one step at a time. As we study the scriptures, speak with our Heavenly Father daily, commit to keep the commandments of God, like the Word of Wisdom, and to pay a full tithing, we attain hope. We grow in our ability to “abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost,” as we more perfectly live the gospel.

There may be times when we must make a courageous decision to hope even when everything around us contradicts this hope. Like Father Abraham, we will “against hope [believe] in hope.” Or, as one writer expressed, “in the depth of winter, [we find] within [us] an invincible summer.”

So, this year I am most thankful for hope.


Marilyn said...

What is the Pre Service Teacher Training course?

Bev said...

Seminary teaching program