Sunday, January 4, 2009


Well... I attended the resident ward for the first time today. A little different after a fourteen year absence. I have been attending a student ward for fourteen years. My how time can zoom by when you are having so much fun.

It is a rather large ward. Gospel Doctrine was huge. At least for a family ward. Everyone was very welcoming and nice. Aubrey Newland was there. She is home for the holidays, but is headed back to grad school soon. It was nice to be able to sit by her during Sunday School. It is a very active ward and I am excited for the new opportunities there will be there for me.

I can't deny I feel a little like a fish out of water. I couldn't believe how awkward I felt. I didn't expect that. I felt a lot of things I didn't expect, but all in all it was a good experience and there wasn't anything oh so dramatic as to impeed me from returning next week.

My first day would be fast and testimony meeting. It appears that the ward is all together normal and grounded in good priniciples. I have heard of some crazy ones out there. I was relieved to only have one travel log and that was in Relief Society and she brought it around. It was easy to get distracted in Sacrament as the little kids are adorable and there are so many new faces. Well.... pretty much all of them. My old Bishop is in the ward and my boss too. Who is the current Bishop. I met the parents of several friends who are attending the University ward in Salt Lake. I struggled to pay attention in Sunday School. I guess that is the same where ever I go. Ha. Ha.

"I think I'm gonna like it here." - Annie

So, here't to change and embracing it.


HiccupMeL said...

Welcome to the world of family wards! Our ward combines YW & RS once a month for opening exercises. It has been YEARS since I've said the Young Woman motto?? It's different!! People snicker when I mess up.

Hope you have the best new year ever! Love ya!

Bev said...

I am excited. I will be a new adventure.

How long have you been attending a family ward?

I heard they added virtue to the motto.