Sunday, January 18, 2009

What's Cooking?

I don't know. I came home from church today and got a bug to make something. I haven't really done much cooking in the last few years. So, I took an assessment of the goods I had in the cupboard and fridge. Pork. I had pork. "Pork, mother." (What movie?)
It seemed boring to just have plain old pork, but it isn't like I knew how to do anything with it. With hamburger there are so many options, but what does one do with pork? There are fried pork chops, but I didn't want to fry it. I could bake it, but what seasoning do you put on pork.
Ah! Revelation. I have 101 cookbooks in the cupboard that I have never opened. Perhaps I could find something there. Ta da! A recipe or and idea at least for breading meat. So, I made up my own breading and baked up some pork served with red beans and rice.

It turned out pretty good. I impressed myself that I still knew my way around the kitchen a bit. I should attempt that more often. I think my dating portfolio is short on entries.
My college roommates and I started our own dating portfolio's O' so many years ago. We would mentally add entries that we thought would impress potential suitors. Like here is a picture of me with kids.... I am good with children. This is me making my bed.... I am a good house keeper. You get the general idea. Well, my portfolio has been hurting in the Betty Crocker department and we all know the way to a mans heart is through his stomach, so I had better getting working on those skills and soon. I am not getting any younger you know. Today I can add I cook pork to my portfolio.


HiccupMeL said...

Emma!!! Love that movie, love that quote! :)

Brooke said...

Oh, man! That's what I was gonna say!
Just remember to say it with a silent "r"... "pok motha"

Marilyn said...

I thought you got a crock pot for Christmas?